There are number of reasons why from time to time, Approval Authorities request that a policy be withdrawn, removed or rescinded from the UC Policy 鶹ý, including that the document content is no longer valid, the document has been superseded by another compliance document, or the document has been combined with another compliance document and renamed. Documents may also be renamed without being rescinded.
- Breastfeeding in the Workplace Policyrescinded and replaced withParents Policy(Oct 2023).
- Data Management Policy and Records Management Policyrescinded and replaced withInformation Records and Data Policy(June 2023).
- Research Work for a Master's or Doctoral Thesis and Provision of Resources Policy - Support for Doctoral Studentsrescinded and replaced withResearch Student Supervision Policy(May 2023).
- Emergency Statuterescinded and combined intoEmergency Management Policy(March 2023).
- Academic Integrity Guidance for Staff and Studentsrescinded and replaced with the documents on the Academic integrity website(January 2023).
- Event Management Policy and ProceduresrenamedEvent Management Policy(December 2022).
- Scholarships, Prizes, Bursaries and Grants PolicyrenamedScholarships and Student Financial Awards Policy(November 2022).
- Special Consideration Procedures and GuidelinesrenamedSpecial Consideration Policy and Procedures(August 2022).
鶹ý Digitisation Policyrescinded from the UCPL (April 2022).
Covid-19 Vaccination Policyrescinded from the UCPL (April 2022).
Clubs and Groups on Campus Policyrescinded and replaced withEvent Management Policy and Procedures(Feb 2022).
Student Events on Campus Proceduresrescinded and replaced withEvent Management Policy and Procedures(Feb 2022).
Academic Appeals and Grievances: Principles and Proceduresrescinded and replaced with theAcademic Misconduct Regulations,Behavioural Misconduct RegulationsandAppeals Regulationswith effect Jan 2022 (Dec 2021).
Trust Funds Policyrescinded (August 2021).
Taxes Policyrescinded (August 2021).
Assessing Work Submitted in Māori PolicyrenamedAssessment in Te Reo Māori Policy(Aug 2021).
Official Information Policyrescinded. Information regarding official informartion can be found on theInformation and Records Managment webpages(June 2021).
Parking and Traffic Statute 2017rescinded and renamedParking and Traffic Policy(March 2021).
School Links and Outreach Policyrescinded (March 2021).
- Photo Standards Policyrescinded (Jan 2021).
鶹ý Exhibition Policyrescinded (November 2020).
Master's Degrees - Award of Honours, Merit and Distinction Guidelinesrenamed theHonours, Merit and Distinction Procedures(November 2020).
Sustainability Frameworkrenamed theSustainability Policy(October 2020).
Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF) - Funding and Allocation ProceduresrenamedPerformance Based Research Fund (PBRF) Policy and Procedures(October 2020).
Use of Individual Perfomance Based Research Fund (PBRF) Results Policy and Proceduresrescinded and merged with newPerfomance Based Research Fund (PBRF) Policy and Procedures(October 2020).
Business Continuity Frameworkrescinded and replaced by theBusiness Continuity Management Framework(September 2020).
Animals on Campus Policyrescinded. Now held as a guideline in the. Students can obtain information fromEDSon what animals can be brought into buildings and in what circumstances this may occur (September 2020).
- Field Stations Accommodation Policyrescinded. Information regarding field station accommodation is available via theField facilities webpage(July 2020).
- Assessed Work in Māori PolicyrenamedAssessing Work Submitted in Māori Policy(May 2020).
- Staff Change PrinciplesrenamedStaff Change Principles and Process(January 2020).
- Guidelines for the Introduction of New Coloursrescinded (December 2019). Information on colours can be obtained from theAcademic Dress and Specification Regulations.
- Segways on Campus Policyrescinded (October 2019). Information from this policy is located within Facilities Services standard operating procedures.
- Examination Instructions to Candidatesrescinded (October 2019). Information from this policy can be found on the UC web pages under the "UC Examinations" tile of the "Study" tab and additional informationcan be found in theExaminations– Principles and Proceduresin the UCPL.
- Extension of Services Policyrescinded (August 2019). Information regarding the extension of services can be found on the UC website.
- Web PolicyrenamedUC Web Policy(August 2019).
- Health and Safety PolicyrenamedHealth, Safety and Wellbeing Policy(July 2019).
- Taxes Policy and GuidelinesrenamedTaxes Policy(July 2019).
Teaching, Course and Programme Surveys Policy, Principles and GuidelinesrenamedTeaching, Course and Programme Surveys Policy, Procedures and Principles(June 2019).
Research Report Policyrescinded as superseded by theResearch, Creative and Scholarly Outputs Policy(May 2019).
Qualification Verification and Validation Policyrescinded. Information contained in the policy can now be found as a guideline within the(staff only) (May 2019).
Research Work for a Master's or Doctoral ThesisCode of PracticerenamedResearch Work for a Master's or Doctoral Thesis(May 2019).
Survey Policy and Application Procedures for Online Student SurveysrenamedStudent Community Online Survey Policy(April 2019).
Staff Disciplinary Policyrenamed theEmployee Disciplinary Policy(March 2019).
Accounts Recievable and Accounts Payable Proceduresrescinded from the UC Policy 鶹ý. Information that was contained in the policy is available on the UC web under thefinancial services web pagesand UC intranet under the(staff only) (February 2019).
New PhD Subject Proposals and Approvals–Policy and Proceduresrescinded. Elements of the application and approval process have been retained in the Blue Book (staff only) under the "General Programme Information section"–entitled "Approval of a new PhD subject" (December 2018).
Disability Policy–Studentsrenamed theDisability and Impairment Policy(December 2018).
Weather Plan Policy and Guidelinesrescinded from the UC Policy 鶹ý but available under the"In an Emergency"web pages on the UC Web (November 2018).
Academic Freedom Policy and PrinciplesrenamedCritic & Conscience of Society and Academic Freedom Principles andPolicy(September 2018).
Harassment Policyrenamed thePrevention of Bullying and Harassment Policy(September 2018).
Postgraduate Email Management Policyrescinded and merged with theEmails to Enrolled Students Policy and Guidelines(August 2018).
Interruption of Tests–Guidelines for Developing Departmental Policyrescinded and partially replicated in theAssessment Policy, Principles and Guidelines(June 2018).
CreditTransfer for Students from New 鶹ý Institutions: Guiding Principlesnow calledCredit Recognition and Transfer Policy(May 2018).
Examinations–Procedures and GuidelinesrenamedExaminations– Principles and Procedures(May 2018).
Recruitment and Selection PolicyrenamedRecruitment and Selection of Staff Policy(May 2018).
Research Grants Policyrenamed theResearch Contracts Policy(May 2018).
Mobile Device Policyrescinded and replaced withMobile Voice and Data Policy(December 2017).
Consultation in the University Policyrescinded and merged with theStaff Change Principles Policy(October 2017).
Printer and Multifunctional Devices Policyrescinded and replaced by theStaff Printing Services Policyand theStudent Printing Services Policy(July 2017).
Documentary Fraud Response Policyrescinded; procedural elements have been incorporated into theFraud Response Policy(June 2017).
Parking and Traffic Statute 2003reviewed, renamed and republished asParking and Traffic Statute 2017 (January 2017).
Introduction of New Faculty Colours Guidelinesrenamed and republished as theGuidelines for the Introduction of New Colours(November 2016).
鶹ý Distance Services Policy, 鶹ý Lending Policy and 鶹ý Security Policyrescinded and replaced by the 鶹ý Access and Borrowing Policy(November 2016).
Teaching and Course Surveys Policy, Procedures and Guidelinesrenamed, updated and republished asTeaching, Course and Programme Surveys Policy, Procedures and Guidelines(October 2016).
Aegrotat Consideration Procedures, Discontinuation and/or Backdating After Due Date Policy and Guidelines, Missed Examinations Policy and Procedures for Applications for Special Pass, Missing of Tests and Other Assessment Deadlines Policy, and Refunds After the Due Date PolicyRescinded and replaced by theSpecial Consideration Procedures and Guidelines(February 2016).
Student Emergency Response Plan (SERP)relocated toUC Emergency Management website(January 2016).
Computer Use Policy and Proceduresrescinded and replaced by theIT Policy Framework(July 2015).
Undergraduate Courses with Low- and High-Rating Course Evaluations Policyrescinded and subsumed into theTeaching and Course Surveys Policy, Procedures and Guidelines(May 2015) updated and republished as theTeaching, Course and Programme Surveys Policy, Procedures and Guidelines (October 2016).
Vacancy Advertising Policyrescinded (March 2015).
Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) Guiding Principlesrescinded (January 2015).
Assessment Examinations Policyrescinded (August 2014).
Policies and Procedures Development and Review Policyrescinded and replaced by theMetapolicy(April 2014).
Examinations – Preparation of Copy and Printing of Examination Papers Policy and Procedures (Staff only) & Examinations – Collection of Scripts, Return of Grades Policy and Proceduresrescinded and replaced by theExaminations– Procedures and Guidelines(March 2014).
Examinations or Tests: Cancellation or Disruptionrescinded and subsumed into theAssessment Policy, Principles and Guidelines(November 2013).
Student to Student Grievance Proceduresrescinded (October 2013).
ICT Change Management Policyrescinded (October 2013).
Legal Disclaimer on Emails Policyremoved and amalgamated with thePrivacy Policy(October 2013).
Intellectual Property Policy (Staff only) & Intellectual Property Policy for Staff and Studentsrescinded and replaced by theIntellectual Property Policy(September 2013).
International Student Travel Insurance Policyrescinded (September 2013).
International Student Recruitment Management Policyrescinded (August 2013).