Examination Invigilation for External Institutions
Examinations will be conducted on the dates and times specified by the home institution. We do not usually invigilate exams onor Sundays.
1. The home institution should forward a list of all students' full details including name and student number, examination title and code, scheduled date, time and length of the examination, and also specific reading times or special conditions of examinations or instructions to supervisors.
2. It is the responsibility of the home institution to ensure that examination papers and material are sent in a timely manner to theExaminations Office.
3. Examination papers and material should be clearly labelled with the course/subject code and title, the scheduled date, time and length of the examination, and detailed instructions for the invigilator. The 鶹ý (UC) will, where possible, observe all such instructions, local conditions/regulations and laws permitting.
4. All students sitting examinations at UCmustmake prior contact with theExaminations Officefive business days prior to the exam date, to confirm their attendance and receive reporting instructions.
5. Students who do not intend to sit one or more of their scheduled examinationsmustinform their home institution immediately.
6. On the day of the examination, studentsmustreport to the exam room no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their examination.
7. Students who are unable to attend one or more of their examinationsmustcontact theExaminations Officebefore the date of the examination. Where at least 24 hours' notice is given, only the $55 administration fee will be charged for that student. If less than 24 hours' notice is given, the full cost of the examination will be charged.
8. If a student fails to attend their examination and no notice is given, the student/home institution will be responsible for the full cost of the examination.
9. Institutions may provide a courier service envelope/box for return of the completed scripts, examination papers and/or materials. UC will return completed examination scripts to the home institution as soon as possible following the examination. Any costs incurred by UC in returning examination materials to the home institution will be passed on to the home institution or candidate on a cost recovery basis.
10. Where the home institution is meeting the cost on the examination; UC will invoice the institution by e-mail after the examination period. The invoice is payable in NZ$ within 30 days of the invoice date.
11. UC will not transmit examination results to the student. Transmission of results to students is the responsibility of the home institution.
12. For enquiries regarding External Exams at UC, please contact theExaminations Office.