3 Steps to start your degree in February 2026
UC and Hagley College bring you this three-stage pathway offering blended learning with part-time and flexible study opportunities. You will receive course advice at each stage based on your background and performance, your intended career, and appropriate available course options.
Who is it for?
- Those aged 20+(or with UE in another field), considering a change to a career in Engineering or Product Design.
- If you are under 20 years old and do not have UE, you will need to meet UE requirements by completing theCUP programmeor getting.
Programme features
- Support:advice and guidance from early on in your pathway about study options, demands, and expectations, particularly in Mathematics.
- Skill development:develop study habits and strategies for success at degree level.
- Connections:grow an established network of fellow students through the cohort progressing togetherand become familiar with the UC campus, learning systems, and people.
Stage 1:Te Puna Wai o WaipapaHagley College
30 April to24 October 2025
- Pre-UC Physics and Maths integrated course (Mondays, 5-7pm, Wednesdays, 5-9pm, from 30 April + Fridays, 4-6pm (Fridays online)
- Blend of online and face-to-face delivery
- Visits to UC to meet teachers from Stage 2 Transitions programme
Pre-requisite: NCEA Level 1 Math, with algebra fundamentals.
Stage 2:鶹ýTransitions Programme
3November 2025 to 8 February 2026
A choice of pre-degreecourses in Mathematics, Physics, or Chemistry over the 2025/2026 Summer School and Headstart Programmes.
- TRNS007 Preparatory Mathematics(3 November - 14 December 2025)
- TRNS008 Fundamentals of Physics(5 January - 8 February 2026)
- TRNS017 Mathematics with CalculusorTRNS006 Elementary Chemistry (5 January - 8 February 2026)
Stage 3:鶹ý 1st YearBE(Hons)orBProdDesign
From 2026
Begin your journey into Engineering or Product Design degrees. Student Advisors in the Faculty of Engineering will design a customised first year course of study based on your Stage 1 and 2 performance and your future aspirations. There are a range of engineering and product design disciplines to choose from. Work experience will be taken into account.