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Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching

27 August 2024

Check out UC's programme and resources for Game Sense Teaching and Coaching.


Programme and Resources

Conference Proceedings (PDF, 2MB)
Monday 16 November
4.00pmSpecial presentation:John McKee(Fiji national rugby coach)
Coaching for decision-making in rugby
| John McKee presentation
5.30pmDrinks and nibbles withJohn McKeein the Shilling Club
Tuesday 17 November
Time Event 1Event 2
8.15amRegistration, tea/coffee
8.45amWelcome, opening

Keynote speaker:Assoc Prof Stephen Harvey(West Virginia University, US) Enhancing practitioners' observation, analysis and questioning skills in a game-based approach


Invited guest speaker: Prof John Evans (University of Sydney, Aust) The roots of Indigenous expertise in informal games as children

10.30amMorning tea

Invited guest speaker: Prof Warren Young (Federation University, Aust) Training agility for invasion sports

Parallel Session 1: Game Sense in Coaching
Session Chair: Dr Carl Petersen
Parallel Session 2: Game Sense in Teaching
Session Chair: Professor Richard Light

Informing Game Sense pedagogy with constraints led theory for coaching Volleyball -Shane Pill

Shane Pill:

Fostering Creativity: The Games Lesson as the Laboratory of the Possible -Richard Light&Amy Light

Richard Light: | Richard Light Presentation

11.45amGame Based research in Cricket Sport Science -Carl Petersen

Supporting teachers to implement game based approaches: Investigating the influences on teacher learning when implement GBAs -Kelly Ann Parry

Kelly Ann Parry:

12.00pmTeaching styles of Australian junior tennis coaches -Mitchell Hewitt,Ken Edwards&Shane PillPrinciple Based Teaching Approach for Understanding Games -Ryosuke Tsuchida&Ryoji Isano

Teaching older athletes new tricks: Coaching croquet through Game Sense -Jenny Clarke

Jenny Clarke: Jenny Clarke presentation

Current Situation of Game teaching in Japan -Naoki Suzuki&Jun Fujisawa
12.30pmQ & A Session for all SpeakersQ & A Session for all Speakers

Special presentation: John McKee (Fiji national rugby coach) Coaching for decision-making in rugby

| John McKee presentation

Parallel Session 3: Game Sense in Coaching
Session Chair: Dr Jenny Clarke
Parallel Session 4: Game Sense in Teaching
Session Chair: Mohammad Shah

Developing a ‘Sense’ of Team (Part 1): Lessons from High Performing Teams -Andy Martin&Lana McCarthy

Andy Martin & Lana McCarthy: | Andy Martin & Lana McCarthy presentation

Representing teachers’ experiences of Game Based Approaches through Poetic Transcription -Kendall Jarrett

Kendall Jarrett:


High Performance Coaching: Comparison between a highly successful coaches’ approach and Game Sense -Ricardo Pimenta

Ricardo Pimenta: | Ricardo Pimenta presentation

Games Concept Approach (GCA) and Game Sense: A Practitioner’s Reflections of Physical Education (PE) Teacher from Singapore -Mohammad Shah Razak

Mohammad Shah Razak:

2.40pmUsing working memory training within a Game Sense paradigm in football -Joe HallMaking learning visible – the pedagogy of questioning in a Game Sense approach -Shane Pill

Tactical Games meets Inquiry meets Mosston and Ashworth in the Olympic sport of Handball -Susan Wilson-Gahan

Susan Wilson-Gahan: Susan Wilson-Gahan presentation

A challenge to the idea of an authentic version of a Game Based Approach -Bianca Couto de Aguiar

Bianca Couto de Aguiar:

3.10pmQ & A Session for all SpeakersQ & A Session for all Speakers
3.25pmAfternoon tea and Book Launch: Dr Barrie Gordon Developing Thinking Players (DTP) Baseball/Softball
3.45pmDr Barrie Gordon: Developing Thinking Players (DTP) Baseball/Softball
4.05pmInvited Guest Speaker: Assoc Prof Jeanne Kentel (鶹ý, NZ) Getting lost in the play: turning to the sense of game sense.

Parallel Session 5: Game Sense in Coaching
Session Chair: Dr Judy Bruce
Parallel Session 6: Game Sense in Teaching
Session Chair: Dr Chris North

"Developing a ‘Sense’ of Team (Part II): Applying Theory to Practice in High School Sport Teams -Lana McCarthy &Andy Martin

Lana McCarthy & Andy Martin: Lana McCarthy & Andy Martin presentation 2

Decision-Making Process for Game Shaping – for Invasion Game units in 5th and 6th Grade -Jun Fujisawa

Undercover Game Centred Approach in a Men’s English Non-League Football Team: An auto-ethnographic account -Amy Price&Joana Fonseca

Amy Price & Joana Fonseca:

Game Sense Pedagogies: Changing Roles for Students and Teachers -Chris North

Chris North:

5.05pmGame Centred Training and Learning in Australian Rules football – Progressions and Challenges -Matt Jones

A Change in Cognitive Domain of Students by Utilizing ICT in TGfU Approach -Seiji Ookuma

Seiji Ookuma:

5.20pmQ & A Session for all SpeakersQ & A Session for all Speakers
Wednesday 18 November
Time EventMedia
8.15amDr Shane Pill(Flinders University) – Volleyball
9.15amDr Christina Curry(Western Sydney University) – Basketball
10.15amCoffee break
10.45amDr John Evans(University of Sydney) - Rugby
1.00pmDennis Slade(Massey University) – A game centred approach to teaching handball: Introductory lessons.Dennis Slade presentation
2.00pmProf Richard Light(鶹ý) – Cricket for Primary Schools
3.00pmDr Mitchell Hewitt(Tennis Australia) andDr Shane Pill(Flinders Uni) – TennisMitchell Hewitt & Shane Pill presentation
4.00pmAfternoon tea
4.30pm“Town Meeting” Open discussion – Led byRichard Light
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