Time | Event | Media |
4.00pm | Special presentation:John McKee(Fiji national rugby coach) Coaching for decision-making in rugby | | John McKee presentation |
5.30pm | Drinks and nibbles withJohn McKeein the Shilling Club |
Tuesday 17 November
Time | Event 1 | Event 2 |
8.15am | Registration, tea/coffee | |
8.45am | Welcome, opening | |
9.00am | Keynote speaker:Assoc Prof Stephen Harvey(West Virginia University, US) Enhancing practitioners' observation, analysis and questioning skills in a game-based approach | |
10.00am | Invited guest speaker: Prof John Evans (University of Sydney, Aust) The roots of Indigenous expertise in informal games as children | |
10.30am | Morning tea | |
10.50am | Invited guest speaker: Prof Warren Young (Federation University, Aust) Training agility for invasion sports | |
Parallel Session 1: Game Sense in Coaching Session Chair: Dr Carl Petersen | Parallel Session 2: Game Sense in Teaching Session Chair: Professor Richard Light | |
11.30am | Informing Game Sense pedagogy with constraints led theory for coaching Volleyball -Shane Pill Shane Pill: | Fostering Creativity: The Games Lesson as the Laboratory of the Possible -Richard Light&Amy Light Richard Light: | Richard Light Presentation |
11.45am | Game Based research in Cricket Sport Science -Carl Petersen | Supporting teachers to implement game based approaches: Investigating the influences on teacher learning when implement GBAs -Kelly Ann Parry Kelly Ann Parry: |
12.00pm | Teaching styles of Australian junior tennis coaches -Mitchell Hewitt,Ken Edwards&Shane Pill | Principle Based Teaching Approach for Understanding Games -Ryosuke Tsuchida&Ryoji Isano |
12.15pm | Teaching older athletes new tricks: Coaching croquet through Game Sense -Jenny Clarke Jenny Clarke: Jenny Clarke presentation | Current Situation of Game teaching in Japan -Naoki Suzuki&Jun Fujisawa |
12.30pm | Q & A Session for all Speakers | Q & A Session for all Speakers |
12.45pm | Lunch | |
1.30pm | Special presentation: John McKee (Fiji national rugby coach) Coaching for decision-making in rugby | |
Parallel Session 3: Game Sense in Coaching Session Chair: Dr Jenny Clarke | Parallel Session 4: Game Sense in Teaching Session Chair: Mohammad Shah | |
2.10pm | Developing a ‘Sense’ of Team (Part 1): Lessons from High Performing Teams -Andy Martin&Lana McCarthy Andy Martin & Lana McCarthy: | Andy Martin & Lana McCarthy presentation | Representing teachers’ experiences of Game Based Approaches through Poetic Transcription -Kendall Jarrett Kendall Jarrett: |
2.25pm | High Performance Coaching: Comparison between a highly successful coaches’ approach and Game Sense -Ricardo Pimenta Ricardo Pimenta: | Ricardo Pimenta presentation | Games Concept Approach (GCA) and Game Sense: A Practitioner’s Reflections of Physical Education (PE) Teacher from Singapore -Mohammad Shah Razak Mohammad Shah Razak: |
2.40pm | Using working memory training within a Game Sense paradigm in football -Joe Hall | Making learning visible – the pedagogy of questioning in a Game Sense approach -Shane Pill |
2.55pm | Tactical Games meets Inquiry meets Mosston and Ashworth in the Olympic sport of Handball -Susan Wilson-Gahan Susan Wilson-Gahan: Susan Wilson-Gahan presentation | A challenge to the idea of an authentic version of a Game Based Approach -Bianca Couto de Aguiar Bianca Couto de Aguiar: |
3.10pm | Q & A Session for all Speakers | Q & A Session for all Speakers |
3.25pm | Afternoon tea and Book Launch: Dr Barrie Gordon Developing Thinking Players (DTP) Baseball/Softball | |
3.45pm | Dr Barrie Gordon: Developing Thinking Players (DTP) Baseball/Softball | |
4.05pm | Invited Guest Speaker: Assoc Prof Jeanne Kentel (鶹ý, NZ) Getting lost in the play: turning to the sense of game sense. | |
Parallel Session 5: Game Sense in Coaching Session Chair: Dr Judy Bruce | Parallel Session 6: Game Sense in Teaching Session Chair: Dr Chris North | |
4.35pm | "Developing a ‘Sense’ of Team (Part II): Applying Theory to Practice in High School Sport Teams -Lana McCarthy &Andy Martin Lana McCarthy & Andy Martin: Lana McCarthy & Andy Martin presentation 2 | Decision-Making Process for Game Shaping – for Invasion Game units in 5th and 6th Grade -Jun Fujisawa |
4.50pm | Undercover Game Centred Approach in a Men’s English Non-League Football Team: An auto-ethnographic account -Amy Price&Joana Fonseca Amy Price & Joana Fonseca: | Game Sense Pedagogies: Changing Roles for Students and Teachers -Chris North Chris North: |
5.05pm | Game Centred Training and Learning in Australian Rules football – Progressions and Challenges -Matt Jones | A Change in Cognitive Domain of Students by Utilizing ICT in TGfU Approach -Seiji Ookuma Seiji Ookuma: |
5.20pm | Q & A Session for all Speakers | Q & A Session for all Speakers |
Wednesday 18 November
Time | Event | Media |
8.15am | Dr Shane Pill(Flinders University) – Volleyball | |
9.15am | Dr Christina Curry(Western Sydney University) – Basketball | |
10.15am | Coffee break | |
10.45am | Dr John Evans(University of Sydney) - Rugby | |
12.10pm | Lunch | |
1.00pm | Dennis Slade(Massey University) – A game centred approach to teaching handball: Introductory lessons. | Dennis Slade presentation |
2.00pm | Prof Richard Light(鶹ý) – Cricket for Primary Schools | |
3.00pm | Dr Mitchell Hewitt(Tennis Australia) andDr Shane Pill(Flinders Uni) – Tennis | Mitchell Hewitt & Shane Pill presentation |
4.00pm | Afternoon tea | |
4.30pm | “Town Meeting” Open discussion – Led byRichard Light | |
5.00pm | Close |