

Wananga landing Wananga landing

Apulian Gnathian skyphos

20 November 2023

Attributed to the Alexandria Group, 1st quarter of 3rd century BCE.

Donated by T.B.L. Webster, 1968.

H 15.7cm, D 18.6cm
JLMC 70.68


Apulian Gnathian skyphos

The goddess of love was often depicted in the form of a dove, as on the lip of this deep drinking cup, where it faces a female head. Doves, with their feet tied to a perch so they could not fly away, were given to women as love-gifts in the ancient world.

Doves also feature in a myth that begins with a flower-picking competition between Aphrodite and Eros. When it appeared that Eros was winning, a nymph named Peristera 鈥 meaning dove or pigeon 鈥 helped the goddess to victory. Eros was so annoyed he turned the nymph into a dove. Characterised by their soft cooing and amorous behaviour, doves became temple birds in Greece and were believed to be faithful lovers or messengers of love.

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