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Catalogue of the D.A. Kidd Collection

05 November 2023

Reflecting Professor Kidd鈥檚 personal and academic expertise and interests, the D.A. Kidd Collection contains twelve books that mainly centre on the subject of ancient astronomy through the writings of Aratus. However the Collection also features early translations of Tacitus, Cicero and Virgil.

The Kidd Collection includes texts printed in Greek, Latin, Middle Scots, and English. Of special interest are the early star charts included in the astronomical texts. This collection has a lot to offer to students of many disciplines, such as astronomy, languages, literature, mythology, history, philosophy, and classics.

The DA Kidd Collection of rare classical texts is housed within the听听and can be made accessible to anyone interested by appointment with the Curators. The catalogue of the Kidd Collection is as follows:

  1. 螒巍螒韦螣违 危螣螞螘惟危 桅螒螜螡螣螠螘螡螒.Arati Solensis Apparentia, M. Tullius Cicero latinis versibus reddidit, italicis vero Ant. Mar. Salvinius, qui nunc primum ex autographo Bibl. Pub. Marucel. In lucem prodeunt, curante Ang. Mar. Bandinio鈥 qui Hugonis Groti supplementa in Tulli versionem et notas aliquot adiecit. Florentiae Typis Mouckianis, 1765.
    External Appearances by Aratus of Soli. M. Tullius Cicero translated this work into Latin verses and Antonio Maria Salvini into Italian verses which are now coming forward into life for the first time from the autograph of the Biblioteca Pubblica Marucella, edited by Angelo Maria Bandinio who added the supplements by Hugo Grotius to Cicero鈥檚 translation and some other notes. Florence, Typis Mo眉ckianis, 1765.

  2. 螒巍螒韦螣违 危螣螞螘惟危 桅螒螜螡螣螠螘螡螒 螝螒螜 未螜慰蟽畏渭蔚喂伪 螛螘惟螡螣危 危围螣螞螜螒. 螞螘螣螡韦螜螣违 螠螚围螒螡螜螝螣违 蟺蔚蟻喂 伪蟻伪蟿蔚喂伪蟼 蟽蠁伪喂蟻伪蟼. Parisiis, 1559, apud Guil. Morelium, in Graecis typographum Regium. Arati Solensis Phaenomena, et Prognostica, interpretibus, M. Tullio Cicerone, Rufo Festo Avieno, Germanico Caesare, una cum eius commentariis. C Iulii Hygini Astronomicon... Parisiis, 1559,听apud Guil. Morelium, in Graecis typographum Regium, ex privilegio Regis.
    Phainomena and the Weather Signs by Aratus of Soli.听Scholia by Theon. Concerning the Sphere of Aratus by Leontias Mechanicus.听Paris, 1559, printed by Guillaume Morel, royal typographer in Greek letters. The Phaenomena by Aratus of Soli, the Prognostica with the interpreters M. Tullius Cicero, Rufus Festus Avienus, Germanicus Caesar together with his commentaries鈥aris, 1559, printed by Guillaume Morel, Royal typographer in Greek letters by Royal permission.

  3. 螒巍螒韦螣违 危螣螞螘惟危 桅伪喂蠀慰渭蔚谓伪 魏伪喂 螖喂慰蟽畏渭蔚喂伪. 螛螘惟螡螣危 危围慰位喂伪. 螘巍螒韦螣危螛螘螡螣违危 螝伪蟿伪蟽蟿蔚蟻喂蟽渭慰喂 鈥 螖螜螣螡螛危螜螣违 违渭谓慰喂. Accesserunt Annotationes in Eratosthenem et Hymnos Dionysii. Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1672.
    Phainomena and the Weather Signs by Aratus of Soli.听Scholia by Theon. Constellations by Eratosthenes. Hymns by Dionosius. Annotations on Eratosthenes and the Hymns of Dionysius added. Oxford, Sheldonian Theatre, 1672.

  4. Arati Phaenomena et Diosemea听quibus subiiciuntur Eratosthenis Catasterismi. Dionysii Orbis Terrarum Descriptio. Curavit F. C. Matthiae. Accedunt duae tabulae lithographicae. Francofurti ad moenum, in Libraria Hermanniana, 1816.
    Phaenomena and Weather Signs by Aratus, to which the Constellations by Eratosthenes are added. Description of the Earth by Dionysius.听Edited by F.C. Matthiae. Two lithographic tables added.听Frankfurt, Libraria Hermanniana, 1816.

  5. Arati Solensis Phaenomena cum commentariis.听Venice, Aldus, 1499.
    The Phaenomena with commentary by Aratus of Soli. Printed by Aldus Manutius, Venice, 1499. Fragment (leaves 308-368) of a larger book.

  6. Aratus cum Scholiis, rec. Immanuel Bekkerus.听Berolini, typis et impensis Ge. Reimeri, 1828.
    Aratus with scholia, edited by Immanuel Bekker. Printed by Georg Reimer, Berlin, 1828.

  7. Georgii Buchanani Scoti poemata quae extant.听Amstelaedami, apud Henricum,听Wetstenium, 1687.
    The Extant Poems of George Buchanan of Scotland. Amsterdam: Henry Wetstein, 1687.

  8. M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, ad M. Brutum, ad Quintum fratrem, multorum locorum correctione illustratae, ut, post omnes omnium editiones, exeant emendatissimae. In quas omnes epistolas commentarii, separatim impressi, propediem edentur, auctore Paulo Manutio Aldi filio. Paul Manutius Aldi Filius, Venetiis, 1544.
    Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to Atticus, to Marcus Brutus, to His Brother Quintus, presented with corrections of many passages, so that, after all the other editions of all these works, they are best emended. The commentaries on all these letters, printed separately, are being published soon by Paulus Manutius, son of Aldus, Venice, 1544.

  9. Procli de Sphaera liber, Cleomedis de Mundo, sive circularis inspectionis meteorum libri duo; Arati Solensis Phaeomena, sive Apparentia; Dionysii Afri Descriptio orbis habitabilis. Omnia graece et latine ita coniuncta, ut conferri ab utriusque linguae studiosis, in quorum gratiam eduntur, possint; adiectis etiam Annotationibus. Basileae, 1547.
    The Book about the Sphere of Proclus; About the World of Cleomedes or The Two Books on the Circular Inspection of the Stars; The Phaenomena by Aratus of Soli, or Appearances; the Description of the Inhabited World of Dionysius Afer. All these writings are here combined in Greek and Latin so that they can be consulted by scholars of both languages and for whose benefit these were published. Annotations are also added. Basel, 1547.

  10. Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor.听John Martyn, FRS, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. The Second Edition. London: Printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, 1746.
    The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, FRS, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. The Second Edition. London: Printed by R. Reily, for T. Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, London, 1746.

  11. Virgil's Aeneis,听translated into Scottish Verse, by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. A new edition鈥 Edinburgh, Andrew Symson and Robert Freebairn,听Edinburgh, 1610.

  12. Les Oeuvres de Tacite; de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot, Sieur d'Ablancourt. Premi猫re partie, contenant le r猫gne de Tib猫re. Derni猫re 茅dition鈥 Paris, au Palais, par la Societe, 1678.
    The Works of Tacitus in the translation of Nicolas Perrot, Ablancourt Esquire. First part, containing the reign of Tiberius. Last edition鈥 Paris, at the Palace, by the Society, 1678.

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